UNSW Landscape Architecture Graduand Exhibition VITALISE

By LANDStudio8 (other events)

Tuesday, November 17 2015 6:00 PM 9:30 PM AEST

The University of New South Wales, Bachelor of Landscape Architecture LANDStudio8 is proud to present the 2015 student graduation exhibition, VITALISE.

The VITALISE exhibition will showcase the process and outcomes of student designs for the revitalisation of the the Bays Precinct, currently under the management of Urban Growth NSW. The exhibition will include landscape designs in the White Bay Power Station, Glebe Island, White Bay, Rozelle Bay Railyards and Blackwattle Bay including the Sydney Fish Market site. This land which faces back to the city, holds a rich layered past from commerce, industry, housing, recreation and foreshore activity. In more recent years, this land has become a contentious site for future development and is now at the forefront of public interest and speculation. 

As a student organised event, VITALISE represents our dedication to design and showcases the culmination of four years work.

We would like to thank our sponsors Andreasens Green, Group GSA, HASSELL, ASPECT Studios and Taylor Brammer for supporting our event.

If you are interested in donating to our event please click the link to our Everyday Hero account. Any contribution is much appreciated.

The Exhibition will be open from Saturday November 14-17 2015

We warmly invite you in joining us to celebrate the conclusion of our four year tertiary education at the exhibition’s closing night at 6pm on the 17th November 2015 at UNSW Red Centre Gallery. 

Open House from 4:00 pm: A special invitation to sponsors and practitioners to meet the students one-on-one to discuss their work, the studio and their aspirations. Light food + beverages will be served. 

Studio Celebration from 6:00 pm: All invited to celebrate VITALISE and the achievements of LANDStudio8 2015. 

After party venue TBC

UNSW LANDStudio8 Exhibition Committee 2015